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Galisteo is a generous and supportive community that looks out for its residents, its infrastructure, and its environment. In addition to volunteers who assist the Galisteo Volunteer Fire and Rescue (GVFR) and the popular Galisteo Studio Tour, Galisteo groups and boards are reviving social events that languished during the pandemic and establishing new opportunities for community support. The Galisteo Community Association Board has created volunteer guilds to support the following needs in the village. Galisteo residents who would like to volunteer in a guild should email GCA Board president Jennifer Martin at with their interest and questions. 

Volunteer Guilds

Special and Fundraising Events Guild

This guild supports the community’s popular annual special events such as the Margarita and Chile Fest, the Galisteo Volunteer Fire and Rescue Annual Breakfast, and the new Sagestock music concert as well as other one-time special and fundraising events. Coordinators will vary, depending on the event. Volunteers are needed to plan, decorate, cook, set up and clean-up, collect donations, and other party-throwing tasks. 

Community Breakfasts Guild

Whether a potluck or a breakfast sponsored and cooked by individuals or a group, these monthly breakfasts are a popular Galisteo tradition. The rest of 2024 is fully hosted, and a GCA Board director will serve as coordinator to establish hosts and dates for 2025, but volunteers are needed to help with set up and clean up. 

Help-a-Neighbor Guild

At times some residents experience hardship, illness, or other stresses. The Help-a-Neighbor Guild offers and helps with errands in town, rides, meals, or small repairs or other assistance. Kindness, willingness, and discretion are the foundation of this guild, which needs both a coordinator and volunteers. 

Community Clean-up Guild

Galisteo has always stepped up with its semi-annual clean-up days, ensuring the village highway sections, roads, and bosque are free of litter. This effort takes some organization and sponsorship. A coordinator is needed for promotion and volunteer direction. 

Welcome Guild

The aim of this guild is to meet and welcome new Galisteo residents shortly after they move in, answer any questions they may have about the village or the area, and leave them with an informational packet that includes the Galisteo phone book, history booklets and GVFR materials. Ann Senuta is coordinator of this guild, and 1 or 2 volunteers are also needed to provide these friendly conversations. 

Community Center Garden Guild

This guild monitors and maintains the grounds immediately surrounding the Community Center, including tidying garden beds, sweeping the patio, picking up litter, and stacking brush for pickup. Mowing and watering are not included. Coordinators Alex Finlayson and Steve Riemer welcome volunteers. No experience is necessary, and volunteers can work on their own time.