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El Puente de Galisteo 

According to editor Lucy Lippard, “in January 1997, the first issue of EL Puente de Galisteo came out with the blessings of the Galisteo Community Association and help from several accomplices no longer living here. In homage to colloquial New Mexican Spanish, the newsletter was called La Puente, like the road crossing the bridge. But everyone was horrified, and the second issue was the proper El Puente

“The newsletter, which reports on community activities and issues in and around the village, has been published monthly ever since, except for summer months of July–August and an occasional bi-monthly issue when my work schedule is too heavy. It is free and available only to Galisteo residents (and some former residents). Each issue is sponsored by an individual or business in Galisteo. Contact me with address changes, a new subscription, or if you wish to contribute.” 

—Lucy Lippard, editor,

All back issues of El Puente de Galisteo are now searchable, thanks to residents Angie Beauchamp, Chris Chapin, and the late Michael Golino. There are two ways to search:

To search by issue:

  1. If you know the issue date you want to search in, scroll to the bottom of this page and click on its year, and then open the issue you want to explore.
  2. A search field will appear in the upper right. Type in the person or term you wish to search.
  3. Now look over the pages for said word, which will now highlighted in dark yellow. (Yes, looking for a yellow highlight on the issues printed on yellow paper isn’t ideal.)

To search in all issues at once:

Using Google, this searches all El Puente issues and provides links to the specific issues with your search term. You still must look through the articles in the issue, but this is still a quicker way to get to exactly what you’re looking for.

  1. In a Google search box, type
  2. Next add a space and then type what you want to search for in quotation marks. For example, if you want to search for “native grasses” you would type this in the Google search box: “native grasses”

Google then provides links to the actual issues of El Puente that include articles with your search term (in the case of “native grasses” this was the April 1997 and June 2005 issues). 

Radio Free Galisteo

Founded and run by John Shannon and Denise Lynch, Radio Free Galisteo produces podcasts of “news, arts and politics from Galisteo to Santa Fe and the rest of the world.” Shannon and Lynch interview the famous, not-so-famous, notorious, and admirable in the arts, culture, and politics. 

With support from listeners via its patron site, the podcast will continue to expand its online broadcasting presence. Support the podcast by going to and clicking on the red Donate button in the upper right-hand corner of the website. Any and all support is appreciated.

Also, on Radio Free Galisteo is The Human Restoration Project with Mare Tomaski, a podcast about human potential, wellness, and alternative health wisdom. There is a direct link to The Human Restoration Project at the top of the website.

Galisteo Community News

Residents of Galisteo receive announcements and news from the village community email service. Anyone who is a resident of Galisteo can send out notices about upcoming art shows and/or openings in which they are participating, as well as notices that overall benefit the community. Direct notices about personal and/or household items for sale, individual services such as dog sitting, horseboarding, private class instruction etc., should be posted to the community bulletin board, not sent out on the community email. Public notices about water board or GCA meetings, Meals on Wheels etc., should post to bulletin board, not sent out on the community email.

If you are new to the village and wish to receive these emails, or, if you don’t want to be on the email list any longer, send your request to

If you have an announcement or news that you want distributed to the community, send it to the same email address:

Please note: this email service is NOT automatic; your announcements may be edited as needed and not immediately distributed. The service is managed by GCA board director Paul Davis, who will do his best to get your news out in a timely manner. 

Back issues of El Puente: